What people fail to understand is that black people are VICTIMS and subliminal SLAVES. Only through being reborn in the Messiah can one come out of that curse. So they make them pray to a white Jesus (false god, or the alternative "DENY YAH") to keep them in it.
ALL of their information and entertainment comes from democrats and they PAY their idols to push democrat agendas because democrats OWN the entire black entertainment industry. Democrats even CREATED Black culture THROUGH black entertainment and music. Exploiting the gifts of black people and using it as a weapon against them. The MUSIC controls the culture like Side Piper leading the children to the slaughter.
There IS NO conservative news lineup on Direct TV in the black community. It's BLOCKED from cable networks based on zip codes. They don't even have ACCESS to the truth and the TRUTH isn't given a platform. If you go to the BANK, ride the BUS, or visit ANY community government building in the black community 9 x's out of 10 CNN is broadcasting.
Only by destroying these organizations will the people be made free. But every President we've had (except Trump) was a grandchild of slave owners, implementing the PLAN of Willie Lynch in their policies which KEPT the Black America population in desolation. Republican AND democrat.